How do I decide and sign off on a design scheme?

Making final decisions and signing off on designs can be difficult. When you have a designer keen to move forward, but you think there are a multiplicity of choices still to be researched and evaluated, how do you draw a line in the sand and say yes? Here are the questions I would be asking:…

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Decluttering, without regrets

Do you feel overwhelmed with stuff that you and your family have accumulated over the years, but at the same time very reluctant to make a start on getting rid of things? I believe the minimalist trend can go too far. If you are too radical you can throw away possessions which connect you to…

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My picture passed in at auction – what do I do now?

Auctioneer about to bring the hammer down

If you have ever tried to sell something in a specialist art auction you will know that there is a long build up and the process can be very stressful. Once you have made a decision to sell, a failure can be very frustrating not to mention inconvenient. My first tip is – never pre-commit…

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Are antiques due for a revival?

Antiques – that is to say furniture and objects over 100 years old – are a little off the radar of many home decorators at the moment. So are they due for a revival? Here are some reasons why you might not have considered them:- You associate them with your grandparents or great-grandparents Yes, but…

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What are the best antiques for today?

Photograph of Wolston Farmhouse Sitting Room

There is no better way in my opinion to add some flair to your home than to add a few selectively chosen antiques or vintage pieces. If you are hunting around antique shops, which are the pieces you should be on the lookout for and which pieces should you avoid even if they look temptingly…

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How to use the 60/30/10 rule in decorating

Victorian Terrace House, East Melbourne

Would you like to be more adventurous with colour in your home but you aren’t sure how to start? One tried and tested approach is the ‘three colour rule” also called the 60-30-10 rule after the approximate percentages of each colour. In this scheme, one base colour dominates – let’s call it your hero colour.…

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Five essential Art Collecting terms explained

Editioned artworks are orginals in their own right.

If you are collecting art, what are some essential terms you need to know? Provenance Provenance means the record or history of an artwork’s ownership. Ideally, an artwork can be traced back to when it was first exhibited and sold. If it was acquired directly from an artist, the relationship of the first owner to…

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How to trend-proof your home

Arco Led Floor Lamp

Just like the fashion industry, the interiors industry packages styles and trends for the home which inevitably start to look dated after a few years. If you want to cultivate a more distinctive style that might even see you through multiple homes, here are some suggestions to guide you: Modern Classics Certain designs become classics…

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Fake or Fortune?

Frances Burke "Berwick Roses" oil on canvas

Do you have artworks in your collection that you really know next to nothing about? Have you ever wondered if you might be sitting on a work with potential to set the artmarket on fire and feature in one of those articles we all love to read about with titles like ‘Painting found in attic…

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